Dr. Jaime Salazar, is a Chilean Architect and Urbanist with more than 10 years of design experience and has participated in projects in several countries including China, Chile, Uzbekistan, Thailand and The Philippines.
He started in Chile mainly involved in the design of social housing projects, lower-income neighborhoods housing and parks improvement.
In 2010 he moved to China where he studied urban design in order to complement his architecture career and his understanding of the asian market and design.
Since then, he has participated in several architecture, urban design and interior design projects, mainly combining western and asian aesthetics.
He defines his designs as flexible and frugal, to meet the economic necessities of the clients and comfort of the users, without being overly ostentatious. His design philosophy is simple: “People and nature first, design later."
Additionally he has published several articles in prestigious institutions such as the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, and Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance of the USA.
During his free time he enjoys participating as a volunteer in minor environmental protection programs, poetry, photography and traveling.
Jaime Salazar 博士是一名来自智利的建筑师和城市规划师,拥有超过10年的设计经验,曾参与多个国家的项目,其中包括中国、智利、乌兹别克斯坦和菲律宾。