June / 2018
Right at the conurbation of the Anhui and Jiangsu provinces in China is the de Nanjing Animal Zoo. After nearly a decade of successful operation, the parent company has decided to begin the second phase of the project at the adjacent plot; the main difference is that, instead of being a flat land as in the first phase, the second is located on a mountainous rocky landscape, with lakes and cliffs.
The new phase will be called the Nanjing Tianchang Animal Kingdom. The terrain difficulty presented an opportunity to develop a more extreme sports and adventure feeling for the park; therefore, the concept was inspired by the image of a reptile skeleton, which has permeated into the designs, including the creation of elements that resemble real animals such as the entrance through a snake skull or a hiding park among the lizard ribs.
The project sketches depict the inspiration process based on wild animal features.
The design company in charge of the project was Urban Space ltd.My participation was co-team leader for the concept and project proposal together with the Senior Designer Mr. Bian Peng.